and Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses; Sexual Sadism Disorder Diagnostic
Criteria 302.84 (F65.52)
a period of at least 6 months, recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the
physical or psychological suffering of another person, as manifested by
fantasies, urges, or behaviors.
individual has acted on these sexual urges with a nonconsenting person, or
the sexual urges or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Diagnostic Features
diagnostic criteria for sexual sadism disorder are intended to apply both to individuals
who freely admit to having such paraphilic interests and to those who deny
any sexual interest in the physical or psychological suffering of another
individual despite substantial objective evidence to the contrary.
of individuals who deny any interest in the physical or psychological
suffering of another individual include individuals known to have inflicted
pain or suffering on multiple victims on separate occasions but who deny any
urges or fantasies about such sexual behavior and who may further claim that
known episodes of sexual assault were either unintentional or nonsexual.
Others may admit past episodes of sexual behavior involving the infliction of
pain or suffering on a nonconsenting individual but do not report any significant
or sustained sexual interest in the physical or psychological suffering of
another individual. Since these individuals deny having urges or fantasies
involving sexual arousal to pain and suffering, it follows that they would
also deny feeling subjectively distressed or socially impaired by such
impulses. Such individuals may be diagnosed with sexual sadism disorder
despite their negative self-report. Their recurrent behavior constitutes
clinical support for the presence of the paraphilia of sexual sadism (by
satisfying Criterion A) and simultaneously demonstrates that their
paraphilically motivated behavior is causing clinically significant distress,
harm, or risk of harm to others (satisfying Criterion B).
sexual sadism involving nonconsenting others (i.e., multiple victims, each on
a separate occasion) may, as general rule, be interpreted as three or more
victims on separate occasions. Fewer victims can be interpreted as satisfying
this criterion, if there are multiple instances of infliction of pain and
suffering to the same victim, or if there is corroborating evidence of a
strong or preferential interest in pain and suffering involving multiple
victims. Note that multiple victims, as suggested earlier, are a sufficient
but not a necessary condition for diagnosis, as the criteria may be met if
the individual acknowledges intense sadistic sexual interest.
N.Y. State Lawmaker Apologizes
for Blackface Costume
Sonia Kennebeck, CNN
February 26, 2013
·Brooklyn Democrat Dov Hikind dressed
in blackface for a Purim party.
·He apologized to "anyone who was
offended" but added, "that was not the intention."
·One of his Assembly colleagues calls
the apology "a beginning" but inadequate.
Ashkenazi Jewish Slave Trade was not primarily for cheap labor. The race of
the victims was used as an excuse to cover the real goal. The real reason for
Ashkenazi-influenced enslavement of Africans (and all other people since) is
demonic torture, sex, and murder. The Babylonian Talmud advocates what the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Illnesses, Volume 5 describes as
sexual sadism. Unless it is forcibly stopped, this group of people (including
non-Ashkenazi members who have aligned themselves with Molech-worshiping
members of the Ashkenazim) will not stop torturing, raping, and killing. Like
the demons who possess them, they are sex addicts. Without Jehovah-approved
force, they will not stop. They will continue to use politics, race, financial
issues, and other irrelevant issues in the same manner that all junkies use
excuses to hide their addiction. There are no political, religious, social,
or other irrelevant issues. They are snuff addicts. Unless they are stopped,
they will continue to try to satiate an insatiable appetite for torture,
deviant sex, and murder – a parasitic appetite that, if left unchecked, will
be the undoing of the entire human race. They are snuff addicts. Nothing more
– nothing less.
Ashkenazi sexual sadist achieving climax by
using a whip to rape a helpless human being to death.
yourselves from mental slavery… none but ourselves can free our minds.”
The Honorable Robert Nesta Marley –
A Word From
A.D.E.'s President
Lack of Knowledge
Fosters Hate and Fear Knowledge Fosters Understanding & Encourages
Needed Change
On Saturday, August 30, 1997, I
had an interesting conversation with two people while I was at Kings
County Hospital. One of the patients was a young woman from Haiti;
the other was a Hasidic man. Our discussion involved the Genesis
account of the flood of Noah's day -- a popular biblical account among Jews
and Christians alike.
our discussion, the Hasidic man said that black people are cursed by
God. I grabbed my bible and looked in the book of Genesis,
Chapter 9 and told the gentleman that my bible says that Canaan was
cursed. The man said that this is what the Bible means.
the Hasidic man first told me that story, the Haitian woman and
I laughed at him derisively, but inwardly I was shocked. For one
thing, I believed that since the book of Genesis was originally written in
Hebrew, there would be no one better to understand the words of Genesis than
a native speaker of Hebrew. To hear a native speaker of Hebrew state
definitively that based on a book that was originally written in his
native tongue that blacks are cursed by God hurt my feelings like few
things in my life ever have.
three years thereafter, I did not try to research the Hasidic
man's claims. I deluded myself into believing that he was as crazy as
his claim. I tried to push his disturbing words to the back of
my mind in an attempt to drown out the shame associated with being
viewed by members of his group as accursed. There were many days when
I succeeded in forgetting the Hasidic man's words, but eventually the
protective filter of my subconscious mind would collapse and the words
would come flooding back to my conscious mind like a mighty ocean held
against its will by a small bottle.
the year 2000, the Hasidic man's softly words finally became such a roar
that I finally worked up the courage to research them on the
internet. My primary search parameters were "curse of Canaan"
and "curse of Ham." The findings were even more shocking
that I ever could have imagined.
Wieder's words, the Hasidic man with whom I spoke, and the
corresponding information regarding his softly spoken words
started me on what is now an almost 11-year quest for the truth regarding
the curse of Ham/Canaan, and more importantly, the role this belief played
in the oppression of those individuals who are members of the
"accursed" class. This journey of
discovery encompassed nearly every negative emotion imaginable:
denial, extreme sadness; fear; shame; resentment; anger, murderous
rage until finally, an unquenchable urge to expose the horrors associated
with this slanderous myth.
I will always resent what I perceive to be the audacity of a group of
people who are so ethnocentric that they have no qualms ignoring the pain
that their own culture has created for this "accursed" group
of people, I am now focused on accomplishing three
things: 1) developing a healthy tolerance for members
of this highly ethnocentric group, realizing that they too have a sad story
that continues until today; 2) disseminating to members of the
"accursed" ethnic group the origins of this slanderous
teaching; 3) developing in members of this
"accursed" ethnic group the moral backbone
to peacefully but in a determined manner tell the world that we
will no longer sit by in dumb, fearful silence while a small, but
powerful minority within this ethnocentric group continues to
promulgate the slanderous teaching that lead to the worst Holocaust that
this world has ever known; and 4) demanding reparations for the past and
present oppression the "accursed" class continues to suffer
as a result of the secret promulgation of this slanderous myth by
descendants of the aforesaid myth's authors.
you are a member of the "accursed" ethnic group, once you have
reviewed this website in its entirety, you may feel the same emotions
that I felt. You have a right to do so. However, remember that
a lack of knowledge based on a refusal to learn closes the mind and
fuels suspicion and hatred. A desire for accurate knowledge will
allow one to consider all sides -- not just one's own -- so that one can
make an informed decision that will benefit all involved.
do not use this website as an excuse for hatred of any ethnic
group. This is not its purpose. Use it to expand your cultural
horizons by learning about different ethnic groups. Use
this website to foster respect for your own culture. Most important,
use it to disseminate this website's information to your family, friends,
neighbors and strangers who are members of the
"accursed" group so that the slanderous teaching that
resulted in the past oppression of the ancestors and the
continued tyranny of their descendants is exposed like the dysfunction that
it is.
breathes life into any dysfunction; silent acquiescence gives it the
power to exist and thrive. Exposure -- the harsh light
of honest, objective, public disclosure is the death knell of
all lovers of truth and justice work together to expose and destroy this
slanderous, murderous teaching as a warning to those who are determined to
benefit by its secret use and as a comfort to those of us who have been its