Manual of Mental Illnesses; Sexual Sadism Disorder Diagnostic
Criteria 302.84 (F65.52) Over a period of at least
6 months, recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the physical or
psychological suffering of another person, as manifested by fantasies, urges,
or behaviors. The individual has acted
on these sexual urges with a nonconsenting person, or the sexual urges or
fantasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Diagnostic Features The diagnostic criteria
for sexual sadism disorder are intended to apply both to individuals who
freely admit to having such paraphilic interests and to those who deny any
sexual interest in the physical or psychological suffering of another
individual despite substantial objective evidence to the contrary. ...Examples of individuals
who deny any interest in the physical or psychological suffering of another
individual include individuals known to have inflicted pain or suffering on
multiple victims on separate occasions but who deny any urges or fantasies
about such sexual behavior and who may further claim that known episodes of
sexual assault were either unintentional or nonsexual. Others may admit past
episodes of sexual behavior involving the infliction of pain or suffering on
a nonconsenting individual but do not report any significant or sustained
sexual interest in the physical or psychological suffering of another
individual. Since these individuals deny having urges or fantasies involving
sexual arousal to pain and suffering, it follows that they would also deny
feeling subjectively distressed or socially impaired by such impulses. Such
individuals may be diagnosed with sexual sadism disorder despite their
negative self-report. Their recurrent behavior constitutes clinical support
for the presence of the paraphilia of sexual sadism (by satisfying Criterion
A) and simultaneously demonstrates that their paraphilically motivated
behavior is causing clinically significant distress, harm, or risk of harm to
others (satisfying Criterion B). "Recurrent"
sexual sadism involving nonconsenting others (i.e., multiple victims, each on
a separate occasion) may, as general rule, be interpreted as three or more
victims on separate occasions. Fewer victims can be interpreted as satisfying
this criterion, if there are multiple instances of infliction of pain and
suffering to the same victim, or if there is corroborating evidence of a
strong or preferential interest in pain and suffering involving multiple
victims. Note that multiple victims, as suggested earlier, are a sufficient
but not a necessary condition for diagnosis, as the criteria may be met if
the individual acknowledges intense sadistic sexual interest. N.Y. State Lawmaker Apologizes for Blackface Costume By Sonia Kennebeck,
CNN Tue February 26,
2013 Story Highlights ·
Brooklyn Democrat Dov Hikind dressed
in blackface for a Purim party. ·
He apologized to "anyone who was
offended" but added, "that was not the intention." ·
One of his Assembly colleagues calls
the apology "a beginning" but inadequate. The Ashkenazi Jewish Slave
Trade was not primarily for cheap labor. The race of the victims was used as
an excuse to cover the real goal. The real reason for Ashkenazi-influenced
enslavement of Africans (and all other people since) is demonic torture, sex,
and murder. The Babylonian Talmud advocates what the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual for Mental Illnesses, Volume 5 describes as sexual sadism.
Unless it is forcibly stopped, this group of people (including non-Ashkenazi
members who have aligned themselves with Molech-worshiping members of the
Ashkenazim) will not stop torturing, raping, and killing. Like the demons who
possess them, they are sex addicts. Without Jehovah-approved force, they will
not stop. They will continue to use politics, race, financial issues, and
other irrelevant issues in the same manner that all junkies use excuses to
hide their addiction. There are no political, religious, social, or other
irrelevant issues. They are snuff addicts. Unless they are stopped, they will
continue to try to satiate an insatiable appetite for torture, deviant sex,
and murder – a parasitic appetite that, if left unchecked, will be the
undoing of the entire human race. They are snuff addicts. Nothing more –
nothing less.
Ashkenazi sexual sadist achieving climax by using a whip to
rape a helpless human being to death.
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